Tag: Ook

Hello readers! Brian here with the twelfth edition of “The Best and Worst of Zelda.” This topic has been frequently requested, but most recently by a user named JeredenDonnar, so thanks to everybody for their comments! Don’t forget to write a suggestion for next week’s topic in the comment section. Mini-bosses tend to remain unjustly forgotten. Sure, the dungeon boss is important for a climactic and memorable finish, but mini-bosses retain a very different kind of importance. They maintain the…

I’m finally kicking off this series with, of course, the first dungeon of Twilight Princess: The Forest Temple. Like the Woodfall Temple from Majora’s Mask, this dungeon is very basic in theme and has some challenging puzzle design instead of being a tutorial session. It’s not overly difficult, of course, but it definitely doesn’t waste time teaching you the game. And, unlike most first dungeons of the series, it manages to establish its own identity and style, forming its own…