Tag: Nostalgia

Starting tomorrow, November 28th, all Nintendo World Stores will be offering a free Nintendo Power T-shirt to anyone who spends $25 or more in store. There are two shirts, both bear the classic Nintendo Power logo on the front, but one is grey with an 8-bit Mario on the back and the words “YOUR PRINCESS IS IN ANOTHER CASTLE!” while the other is black with an 8-bit Link on the back accompanied by the phrase “IT’S DANGEROUS TO GO ALONE!”…

Is the continued success of the series due to exploitation of nostalgia? This is the question that Jamin Warren of PBS Game Show has asked to the audience and he takes a look at the series as a whole and discusses what exactly keeps fans coming back. Jump inside to check out what he had to say for yourself.

Almost everyone knows how common it is to see new Zelda games include elements that have become staples of the series. Is there a Zelda fan that sees an arachnid or insect boss with a single eye and doesn’t yell “Gohma!”, or someone who doesn’t recognize the labyrinth of identical forks that was first established with the Lost Woods? For some Zelda fans it seems like it’s seeing these throwbacks to earlier games that define Zelda for them. To a…

Our friends over at LegendZelda.net recently posted an article about how the Zelda series has moved away from its exploratory beginnings, namely the massive overworld exploration that takes place in the very first Legend of Zelda. The article’s focus is on how much exploration is needed to actually progress in the old game, but in more recent titles you have the assistance of a helper and a more linear progression of events. “This dimension of exploration added an imperceivable depth…

3D Dot Game Heroes is a game that has released in Japan and is set to release in May of 2010, exclusively for the Playstation 3. The game, for all common purposes, is classic NES Legend of Zelda, but in 3D lego style environment. The game borrows nearly identical looking gameplay with Link using his sword, having the ability to dash, getting bombarded by attacks of chickens, while fighting enemies that greatly resemble keese and octoroks. It sure seems like…