Tag: Lakebed Temple

Halloween’s just around the corner, so I thought it was a good time to tackle a certain lovely little article topic: The top examples of “nightmare fuel” in Zelda. While this term can have a broader meaning that applies to anything scary or nightmare-inducing, I’m going with a specific version. In short, I’m covering things that were never meant to be scary, or scary to this degree, but certainly become highly disturbing when you think about them. I suppose you…

Ahh, the Lakebed Temple. This is the water dungeon of Twilight Princess, and the third dungeon in the game. Perhaps I haven’t been around different forums enough, but I don’t ever really seem to hear that much about this dungeon, and when I do, rarely very many positive sentiments. No one seems to really like the Lakebed Temple that much particularly. I think that’s a shame; I like this dungeon quite a bit. I’ve written before about how I think…

A little while back Austin over at Nintendo Everything posted what he thinks are the best 3d Zelda temples in the entire series. He created the Top 3 list in a quick video format and you can view the embedded video by clicking read more. His list of top 3 dungeons came in as the follows… 3. Great Bay Temple (Majora’s Mask) 2. Lakebed Temple (Twilight Princess) 1. Stone Tower Temple (Majora’s Mask) I personally am a bit shocked that…