Tag: Facade

Halloween’s just around the corner, so I thought it was a good time to tackle a certain lovely little article topic: The top examples of “nightmare fuel” in Zelda. While this term can have a broader meaning that applies to anything scary or nightmare-inducing, I’m going with a specific version. In short, I’m covering things that were never meant to be scary, or scary to this degree, but certainly become highly disturbing when you think about them. I suppose you…

Within my massive collection of strategy guides, some of them have amazing rare artwork that so many Zelda fans have never been able to lay their eyes on. A particular Japanese Link’s Awakening Strategy Guide published by Suzana Art Works has some of the best boss artwork I’ve ever seen. The art piece that you see to the left is of Moldorm, the first boss in the game found within Tail Cave. In all of the various guides released in…