Tag: DX

The intro to Link’s Awakening and Link’s Awakening DX is one that many of us are probably familiar with, as it sets the scene for the adventure on Koholint Island. Though we find out the story was all a dream, before playing through the game, the intro is very real. Or at least as real as a Gameboy could show. Our friends over at ChrisCrossMedia have applied some serious drawing skills to animate this intro! Hit the jump to see the video along…

Our great friends over at Zelda Universe have released yet another great year in their 25 years in 25 days segments. Today’s year is 1998. This is the year that seemingly changed gaming forever and created a bench mark for almost every title released after to be compared to. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is considered one of if not the greatest game ever and is still praised by fans to this day. 1998 laid the foundation down…

Introduction Link’s Awakening originally came out for the Game Boy in 1993 to excellent reception. In an attempt to revitalize the game and increase sales,Link’s Awakening was released a second time for the Game Boy Color in 1998 with additional features and, as one would expect, the game was in colour. In a similar fashion, the game has once again been released for the 3DS Virtual Console. This review will highlight the game and its features, often likening it to…

Matt Simmons of Zentendo has put together a cleverly written article looking back at what might be one of the greatest game stories ever told, the Legend of Zelda Link’s Awakening. The article contains a deep analysis of the symbolism found throughout the game and points out how dark the story really could be interpreted. It’s a really in-depth article and it is definitely worth a read. Shown below is a small portion of one of the key points in…