Tag: Duck

Legend of Zelda rubber duckies

December 15 2013 by Jen

The website, Only Duck has been making custom made rubber duckies for a little over four years now. The creators have transformed many rubber ducks, including Sherlock Holmes, Doctor Who (or Ducktor Who), The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, and much more! So what does this have to do with The Legend of Zelda? Read more to find out! Jump in to read more!

For a game that I complain about not being whimsical enough, Twilight Princess still manages to have the funniest moment of the entire series for me. This is the one scene that makes me laugh more than anything else in Zelda: The moment when the Hyrule Castle Town soldiers duck out of helping Ilia and Ralis get to Kakariko Village. At this point in the game, the player would be trying to get into the Lakebed Temple, and this mission…