Tag: dead

Majora’s Mask is definitely my favorite Zelda, though for different reasons than most. While I love the side-quests and the depressing themes present, what sells the game for me is the dramatic and serious elements in the game. The Moon is going to crash and kill everyone in Termina if you, the hero, do not intervene and save them. Nothing in Termina will remain. All those characters, with their intricate routines and side-quests… gone. Tragic, isn’t it? Except for the…

It seems as though most people have accepted the idea that Majora’s Mask takes place in an alternate dimension version of Hyrule which is why a lot of the characters from Ocarina of Time appear in the game. While it’s no secret I’m not particularly keen on Majora’s Mask (and, to clarify this time, I’m not saying it’s a bad game, I just think most other Zelda games are better) there are a lot of theories revolving around it, what…

I already wrote in my last Favorite Zelda Moments editorial — where I discussed the flooded Hyrule — about how I feel The Wind Waker managed better epic presentation and cooler storytelling than most other Zelda games, including Twilight Princess, which is usually the game you’d see praised for cinematic presentation. This week I’d like to discuss a few more related moments: The meetings with the deceased Sages of Hyrule. Now, The Wind Waker is usually considered a pretty cartoony…

We all know that our fate is already decided once we cross the Cuccos in Kakariko village in Ocarina of Time. Some of us can’t resist swinging our swords in their direction, and they clearly don’t take it lightly. Cuccos are potentially some of the most dangerous enemies in the entire Zelda series, being that they’re invincible and have a whole army behind them, and today only, you can prove your strength to all of your friends with this Cucco shirt….

Left 4 Dead Zelda Map

February 05 2011 by Jacob Green

I recently found this video of a custom map in Left 4 Dead. The map seems to recreate Level 1 from the Legend of Zelda. The map even includes a giant 3D Aquamentus! (derp) Unfortunately this one only has one head, but you can see this creature at the beginning of the video from YouTube user EggyandMe. In an earlier video (here; about 5 minutes in) you can see wall masters moving around the room. They don’t behave quite like…