Tag: dance

While Fi hasn’t been one of the most well received characters in the Zelda franchise, she did have some decent scenes in Skyward Sword. Her final scenes is one of my favourite parts of the game. On several occasions during the events of Skyward Sword Link learns songs that allow him to enter the Silent Realm. While learning these songs, Fi dances to the music and it makes for some great scenes and YouTube user Musetrigger has created a gorgeous…

Using the program MikuMikuDance, a popular program used to create dancing 3D models and also the Vocalaid Hatsune Miku, YouTube users edamame05089 and TorukMakhto have created something very bizarre. Both made models of Ghirahim through the MMD program and have finally made his fabulous side shine. One video is set in a beautiful white palace of sorts with multiple aligned columns, then in a strangely room with puzzle designs, and finally a golden Twilight Princess-like chamber, while the other seems…