Tag: couples

The Legend of Zelda: nearly 30 years of action, adventure, puzzles, mysteries, romance…wait, romance? Yes even this iconic action/adventure series has had its fair share of romance between its silent-yet-smooth operator Link and whichever NPC his current incarnation is interacting with. But while the internet forever debates whether or not Link has the hots for Ilia or Midna, there are a few cannon couples in the franchise that always seem to bring a smile to our faces. These people help…

411mania has recently posted a list of the Top 5 Gaming Love Stories. Our very own Link and Zelda have earned a place at number three. Though I wouldn’t have ever expected Zelda and Link to make a love story couple, it’s still pretty interesting. It certainly makes for a unique relationship, as it will never turn out the same way in each story. Though it’s not always romance, the duo share a connection none the less. Quite a few…