Tag: Charts

It’s been long established that one of the most complained about aspect of The Wind Waker was all the excessive sailing and having to do the Triforce also annoyed a lot of people but, luckily, both of those aspects have been adapted and streamlined so they shouldn’t be as bad as they were. But it wasn’t just Triforce shards that could be scooped up from the ocean floor. I always found it strange that, even though you’ve floating far above…

Despite my general opposition to remakes, recent news has even me a bit excited about The Wind Waker HD. Faster sailing, a reworked Triforce quest, increased Pictobox capacity, but mostly a new Hero Mode like that of Skyward Sword’s… Finally this game is confirmed to have some new additions that make me excited about it. That said, there are also a number of things missing from it. The Wind Waker is my least-favorite Zelda game and if I were to…

Vgchartz has recently posted some figures on how many Legend of Zelda games sold for each title. Which game came out on top for sales may or may not surprise you, the answer is pretty interesting! I have never payed attention much to sales so I’ll admit, I was a little caught off guard, but now that I think about it is does not seemed that far fetched. Although what sold the least amount of units was not that surprising….

Last month saw some disheartening pre-order numbers for Skyward Sword. While games like Modern Warfare 3 and Skyrim rolled in hundreds of thousands of pre-orders weekly, our dear Zelda was left scooping up advances of 40,000 or 60,000. However, there’s been a nice turnaround this month.

When it comes to sales, Phantom Hourglass was considered highly successful, having surpassed 4.5milliion units sold across the world. Spirit Tracks was its spiritual successor having used the same game engine, being a direct story sequel, and having been released just two years after Phantom Hourglass hit shelves. When Spirit Tracks was released late last year, it was given mostly positive reviews, and while its ratings were lower than many previous Zelda titles, it still had a collective score of…