Tag: Boss Fight

In a new game play video for Tri Force Heroes by GameXplain, a cooperative boss fight against the boss Blizzagia was shown. In the video three heroes are shown working together to do lots of damage to the boss, with one of them having fireballs. As there was ice everywhere it was cold, so the Links befittingly wore winter outfits to protect themselves from the cold. They were shown using hammers to inflict harm on the enemy and they managed…

The Legend of Zelda series is a little famous for having glitches. Some can make the game more fun for the player, but occasionally we come across a few bad eggs. Ocarina of Time being, most notable for having glitches that can completely change the game for a fresh new experience. Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword both have a famous game breaking glitch. It seems another bad glitch has popped up for Skyward Sword and while it isn’t considered game…