Tag: Be

In my book Zelda’s kind of a series of archetypes. It’s a fantasy world and story that, initially, was really only that. In the first Legend of Zelda game, the series had just been born and its debut wasn’t a plot-focused game in the slightest, so there wasn’t any lore to build off. What the first game built off, instead, were archetypes! Link himself is the best examples of this, as his character is nothing more than an archetype: He’s…

The topic of whether a Zelda movie would be a positive or negative idea is a major subject. I have seen more debates and threads on this topic than it’s possible to read. When I examined critically the process of creating a Zelda movie I quickly discovered that more questions were raised, rather than answered. Problems arose regarding decisions on plot sequence, length, format, budget, and many other incidentals. Walking through the process of making a hypothetical movie has allowed…

Scary settings are not at all new to Zelda, and there tends to be a dungeon or area with a spooky theme in the majority of Zelda games these days. But, at least from what I can see, most scary locations in the series tend to gravitate toward the same idea: Underground structures or graveyards that are infested with the undead. Usually these areas are based on pretty basic horror tropes, which is fine, but Zelda tends to be at…