Tag: 11

If you can catch them, shirt sales at The Yetee are absolutely fantastic. Only $11 for a new, unique shirt isn’t too bad, and they often have really cool designs on them. Today their special features our very special Tingle on a shirt appropriately called, “The Legend of Tingle”. It’s got plenty of other graphics on the design in addition to Tingle, though, so you don’t have to worry about him taking too much of the focus. What are you waiting…

From the randomness of YouTube, I bring you today a video that can hold its head up high above all the rest that I have came across throughout this week. YouTuber Mart0zz should be proud of his effort that went into not only making a great rendition of Gerudo Valley on Marimbas, but the very original video as well. The video starts as we would all imagine. Link waking up in his tree house and finding his way through Hyrule…

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is due for a November 20th, 2011 release date here in the United States [release dates elsewhere being Nov 23 and Nov 18]. From an experienced Zelda player’s standpoint, it is shaping up to be the next Ocarina of Time or A Link to the Past in form and stature. It is known to have a full-fledged upgrade system, massive overworlds which appear to have the capability to stage out-of-dungeon boss fights, and characters…

We are back to our regular podcast for this time. We have a few submissions, a mailbag, and a Keaton Quiz lined up! We want to thank everyone who has sent us mail and applications to the Keaton Quiz. We apologize if you feel that you have not heard from us about the quiz. We have a long list and an issue of time scheduling causing the delay. We promise that we will get to everyone! Up this time: 3:05…

Hey hey hey you guys! Got Curiosity Shop #11 for you! Haha, sorry if you were expecting the question count to be bigger again. It’s only 11 this time. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure I’ll ever be able to pass 12. Maybe if I have a lot of tiny questions sometime! Here are the questions and their timestamps: (00:06) – What are your favorite and least favorite bosses? (01:39) – Is there anything you like about Twilight Princess?…