The world of creating customized amiibo have been going strong since day one, but today we discovered what has to be the best Zelda U custom amiibo we have seen to date. Deviant Art user PixelCollie has been customizing amiibo for awhile now, but their new creation has quickly become a favorite. Personally, the only drawback (ha, get it?) is that it doesn’t depict the shiny blue arrow point, but technically from the trailer we saw that point doesn’t exist until Link activates, making this job perfectly acceptable as is. Of course it could simply be a bomb arrow, but it’s not clarified. Either way it doesn’t take away from how fantastic it is. Here is what PixelCollie had to say about creating this masterpiece:

“Modifying the figure itself was simple enough, all I had to do was remove his sword, shield and sheath, bend his arms into place and paint his tunic. I also removed his cap and sculpted his hair plus his little ponytail. The bow is where I had the most trouble. I can’t even tell you how many times I reglued and reglued it to try to make it stay in place… ._. After like a week of tweaking it a million times, I FINALLY got it secure enough and set in place. I have to say though, the stress was totally worth it. The fun I had making this definetely outweights the difficulty. The bow itself is made from two master swords that were bent to make the base, and then I used clay to sculpt the details (the clay I used was Super Sculpey if anyone is wondering). The arrow is also made from clay + a piece of copper wire. I also removed the yellow pole thingy and replaced it with some rocks on the stand to hold him up. Oh, and I used some beige sewing thread for the drawstring and on the arrow.”

What do you think?

Source: Deviant Art

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